• Name
  • Date of Birth (taxpayers, spouses and dependents)
  • Social Security Card/ITIN (taxpayers, spouses and dependents)
  • Valid Government Identification
  • W2’s
  • Dividend Slips (1099-DIV)
  • Stock Sales (1099-B)
  • Interest (1099-INT)
  • Self-Employment Income and Expenses
  • Rental Income and Expenses
  • Gambling or Lottery Winnings
  • Pension Income (1099-R)
  • Social Security Retirement (SSA-1099)
  • IRA or 401(k) Distribution
  • Unemployment Compensation (1099-G)
  • Miscellaneous Income (1099)
  • Tuition Statement (1098-T)
  • Proof of Residence

Usually, an employer will provide a W2. In other cases, self-employed/independent contractors should receive a 1099 from the company reflecting year to date earnings.

If you filed for unemployment, you will need form 1099G which is provided by the unemployment agency.

Self-employed individuals must file a Schedule C. Depending on your business type, other documents may need filing as well.

April 15 is the standing deadline for personal taxes.

Once you have received your W2, you may have your taxes prepared right away.

Yes, there is a penalty but you may pay your tax liability through an installment plan.